Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dinner on the Quick

Along with quick breakfasts school and activities also seems to bring the necessity to plan, and prepare quick dinners. I will admit, I am a planner, I love to plan meals, can I get a dork alert here?? I don't always follow the plan exactly, but it's so nice to know that I have on hand all items to make meals for the week. I try to only have one big grocery trip a week, typically on Friday with usually a produce trip midweek to restock on the perishables.

One planning resource I use is mealsmatter I love that I can plan my meals and save my shopping list in the same place - I already admitted to my dorky-ness, so quit laughing!! Oh and try it, seriously, if it doesn't save you time, money, and Tri-Mee for dinner runs I will cook for you for a week. Oh and there is nothing wrong with Tri-Mee for dinner, it's one of my faves, but before I started planning and shopping with a plan were eating Tri-Mee a bit more than my pants felt was a good idea.

This week has been one of those weeks that has become more typical in my life since having children, busy, I assume you can relate. Tonight after work I had a meeting and then straight to 6th grade orientation, no not for me, for my son - and yes I totally know I don't look old enough to have a 6th grader, but it's true, I have the birth certificate to prove it, it just might take me a couple days to find it, but I know I have it somewhere. . .

Anyway, back to my rambling as per my meal plan I made pulled pork sandwiches in the crock pot. And as usual I read several different recipes and then decided to do my own thing. I got lucky and things turned out well.

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

1 pork roast, I usually buy a couple when they are on sale and throw in the freezer
2 cup Pepsi
1 onion sliced
1 cup BBQ sauce
salt and pepper ~ because you know you can never get enough sodium :)

Throw all of this in the crock pot and cook on low for 12 hours, take roast out of crock pot, discard onion and liquid, and shred meat, trying to remove as much of the fat as possible - pork roasts are definitely not considered part of "the other white meat" in my mind.

After shredded serve on buns with additional BBQ sauce on the side, corn on the cob would make an excellent pairing, so would slaw, although I have never gotten the whole slaw on top of the pulled pork movement, so mine would be on the side. Or if you are in a meeting and your husband is taking care of serving dinner just remember the kids wouldn't have had a veggie if you would have order Tri-Mee either, and chips were at one time potatoes, and those are veggies right??

Do you eat the slaw on top of your pulled pork, I guess I really shouldn't judge since I have never actually tried it. It just seems so weird. What kind of quickie dinners do you turn to for hurried evenings?

1 comment:

  1. I had never eaten a pulled pork sandwich with slaw until I had one at The Wood Pit. It was Yummy! Oh, and make that Curly's BBQ sauce!! How about a post on what to pack for school lunches? I need some new ideas! Shanda :)
